WARNING- this is my personal opinion, just because I feel this way does not mean I think you should I am just venting it out! :-) Enjoy.....
I know there are MANY MANY blogs about the multiples shows out there. But there is a new one I want to talk about, it has been on my mind for a while now. The new TLC show Quints by Surprise....
First off how was this a surprise? You buy some sperm shoot yourself up with hormones and then are surprise when you are carrying a litter??? Have we learned nothing from John and Kate + 8??? Now Kate+8...... Then you say how poor you are....how destitute the situation. I understand you built your mansion to sell but really you are living in a mansion! Then when time are "tough" you move into a mini mansion....that place is HUGE! you shop at designer stores and buy groceries from the whole food place. Seriously I am telling you this is NOT poor!
Poor is have nothing, no money, not enough food, no vehicle, a minimum wage job (if any) government support, and your home is definitely not a 6 figure establishment.
Give us all a break and please state what you really are, a yuppie upper middle class ( or lower upper class) family who had a ton of kids instead of adopting one. I know you wanted to joy of pregnancy again but hon your husband isn't even the father wouldn't it have been better to open your heart to a child or children who are already on this earth and who are desperately in need of a home???
I am sick of it and I refuse to watch, I tried to like you I did but I cant.....
TO the DUGGARS.....
Please for the sake of the human race, stop having babies! If every married couple had as many children as you our world could not sustain the population and we would all starve. Why have you been so selfish??? If you really want a football team of children ADOPT! or foster or something....This is just sad when there are couples all over the country who cant even babies yet you continue on your quest to see how far your uterus can take you....
To OCTO crazy MOM..... I feel for your kids, this month you sold all your valuable belongings including furniture to make your house payment. If you had no job no aspirations and no source of money to feed clothe and care for them why in the world did you have them??? ALL 14 of them!??! It is not a question of single moms not having the same rights or respect rather that a single mom who is forced into being one who has no option but to care for her kid/s would be disturbed to have you align yourself with her. You chose this! You made this life for yourself and now you refuse to receive any sort of help form the government. I Don't really want to have to pay for your life choices but I don't want those kids to suffer because of your thoughtlessness.
All in all can we as a society stop making these people famous??? Can we stop treating them like they have done some great awesome thing??? They may not seek the fame but they sure as heck dont turn it down when they get it. Book deals and movie rights please can we just get a grip??? This is not reality TV it is just sad.....
Lest anyone forget Dionne Quints...here is a recap
IM just saying.......
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